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How to Quickly Fix Audio Importing Issues in Adobe Premiere Pro

Nov 02,2019• Proven solutions

All video files that are captured with GoPro and other types of digital cameras contain sound, but in certain situations, you may get the ‘The file has no audio or video streams’ after you try to import mp4, mov and MTS files into Adobe Premiere Pro.

This can be quite frustrating, even though, in most cases, you won’t use the sound that was recorded by the camera in the final cut of your video. This problem can be solved quickly, so in this article, we are going to show you a few different methods of fixing audio importing issues in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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Four Ways to Solve Audio Importing Issues in Adobe Premiere Pro

There are numerous factors that can cause Adobe Premiere Pro to stop functioning properly, and if the app won’t let you import video files into a project because it has no audio or video streams, there are few things you can do to fix this without having to reinstall the operating system on your computer or the version of Adobe Premiere Pro you’re currently using.

1. Clearing the Media File Cache

If you tried to import a video file into a project and the app notified you that it cannot import the file because there is no audio stream, you should head over to the Edit menu and select the Preferences Tab. Once the Preferences window pops up on the screen, click on the  Media tab and then proceed to delete all files that are stored in the Media Cache Database and Media Cache Files folders. Restart the application after you’ve cleaned both of these folders and try to import the video clips into the project once more. If the issue persists, there are a few more things you can do.

clear Media File Cache

2. Renaming the Media Cache Folder

The default location of Media Cache Database and Media Cache Files folders is /Users/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common on Mac computers and \Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common on PC computers. So all you have to do is make sure that all Adobe applications, including the Adobe Premiere Pro, are closed and then go to the location at which these folders are stored and change their names to Media Cache Files_OLD and Media Cache_OLD. Start Adobe Premiere Pro and check if you can import your video files into the editor.

3. Moving Media Files to a Different Folder

If renaming the folders didn’t do the trick you can try moving them from their default location. You can move them wherever you want on your computer, but it is best if you pick a location that is easy to remember, just so you can access them quickly in case you need to delete files that are stored in them.

4. Installing the QuickTime Player

Sometimes the simplest solution is also the most effective one. Check if QuickTime is installed on your computer because installing this player can solve the audio importing issues in Adobe Premiere Pro. Furthermore, if you just reinstalled the OS on your computer, you should download and install QuickTime, before launching Adobe Premiere Pro. Once you create a new project go to the Edit menu, find the Preferences submenu and select the Media option. Clean both the Media Cache Database and Media Cache Files folders, restart Adobe Premiere Pro and then import the video files into your project.

install QuickTime


If the methods of fixing the audio importing issues in Adobe Premiere Pro we presented in this article don’t help you solve this problem, you should consider reinstalling the OS on your computer. Was this article helpful? Leave a comment and let us know.

Liza Brown
Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.